Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Academy of Independent Theatre in Sopot (Poland)

South Baltic Academy of Independent Theatre
Are you interested in theatre?
Would you like to become a street performer, dancer, choreographer, actor, director, playwright?
Would you like to develop leader skills and learn how to organize events?
Would you like to be a part of an exclusive group of cultural animators and have an opportunity to influence many people?

If you have answered any of the above listed questions “yes”, South Baltic Academy of Independent Theatre is the project that will help you with accomplishing your goals.
Sopot Stage Off de BICZ is looking for young and youngish people who are interested in participating in the social lives of their communities and changing them for the better. Our theatre is starting a new,international project – South Baltic Academy of Independent Theatre – a Tool of Social Change (BAIT).
The main aim of South Baltic Academy of Independent Theatre is the activation of young people through the use of theatrical experience. We would like to offer training in Poland and Lithuania to people from the South Baltic Region, that is from: Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Kaliningrad Region.
The main innovative feature of the project is its cross-sectoral approach i.e. extending methods which had been used so far exclusively in the sphere of art towards civic community and offering them (after adaptation) to the Non-Governmental Organizations community and other organizations active in the civic society.

What we offer is:
·         a chance of studying for three years under the watchful eyes of the very capable trainers and coaches of BAIT
·         innovative methodology for empowerment and activation of young people
·         assortment of classes:
o        Theatrical exercises, such as: integration games and exercises, group and trust building games, body awareness exercises, space awareness exercises, theatrical speech, voice, singing, movement, group and individual movement improvising, group and individual speech improvisation, short scenes, dialogues, monologues, text interpretations, preparation of a role.
o      Dance exercises, such as: improvisations, rhythm exercises, balance, different styles and dance techniques, short dance etudes, group synchronization, group, duets and solo choreographies, basis of choreography
o        Puppetry: styles and techniques, puppet and object theatre exercises
o        Street theatre: stilts, fire-shows, new circus, busking, juggling
o        History of theatre and drama
o        Dramaturgy: adaptation of prose, adaptation of poetry, writing a theatrical script, drama construction and drama
o        Basis of psychology and pedagogy
o        Ecology
o        Leadership, communication, conflict solving and psychology
o     Theatre in action: social, therapeutic, animating, integrating examples of theatrical activities
o      Planning, project management course: projects, applications, funds for cultural event, sponsorship, fundraising, budgeting
o        Local development in SB countries: legal basis, examples of legal structures for local activities, governmental and local policies, good practices in SB countries
Within the teaching program you will also find: study visits at various South Baltic organizations as well as cultural and civic society development institutions. What is more, you will also take part in theatrical summer camps.
The three-year Academy is free of charge, what is more, we offer a partial reimbursement of the travel expenses, and provide accommodation for the students of BAIT, however, we do not offer boarding.
Classes will take place every month in Sopot ( Poland ) or Klaipeda ( Lithuania ). Every meeting will last from 3 to 5 days, except summer camps, which will last up to 14 days.
The three-year Academy will be concluded with a certificate attesting the number of hours and the classes covered in that time.
Living in the South Baltic Region gives you priority in being considered in the recruitment (you may check your eligibility on in Eligible Area SBP).

Basic requirements from the potential students:
·         basic command of English
·         being able to spend up to 2 weeks in Lithuania or Poland during the summer camps
·         being prepared to devote three years for studying and attending all classes
·         being passionate about achieving your goals
To be considered in the recruitment process please send us till 16th March 2012 your:
·         CV
·         Motivation letter, which will thoroughly explain your reasons for wanting to take part in the project
·         Application form via email to

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